Myth of Compound Interest in Finance

Start Investing as Early as possible because money compounds- First advice we receive when we start working... Though investing early really helps a lot.. compound interest is just a myth here's why

Compound Interest is 8th Wonder- Albert Einstein

Every mutual fund story starts with the Above Image and Story of Mr. Chandan and Mr. Ravi who invested same amount till 65 years but Ravi started it 10 years later resulting in 60% difference in final amount... because of compound interest...
Assumed: Average interest rate and compound interest leads to huge sum. What's wrong?
  • Compound interest applies to constant profits only... Whole averaging and calculation of compound interest is wrong
  • Mutual funds are based on NAV which can drop by as much as 20% a week.. if stock fund is based on goes bankrupt... Final day value might become lesser than 5 years before you never know...Mr Ravi can get more final amount..
  • Pandemic and market crashes might become normal.. considering a pandemic happens at start of the investment and takes an year for fund to return to normal value... you'll lose close to 20% of the final amount.. considering the 30 long years of... Retirement SIPs... Expect minimum 2-3 market crashes

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